New 2020 Continuing Education Options
2020 Continuing Education Options: Certified chaplains are required to submit their 2020 Continuing Education Report by January 31, 2021 to retain your certification. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we know many chaplains have expressed concern over being able to find enough Continuing Education opportunities to meet their required hours. APC/BCCI have added several options for members to take advantage of in order to meet their C.E. hours. These options include:
- Participation in Professional Community Support Calls – each of these calls counts towards 1 hour of continuing education. These calls will continue through the surges and peaks of COVID-19 outbreaks.
- COVID-19 Reflection Writing –you may earn 15 hours of continuing education by submitting a brief 1-3 page reflection on your experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Free Webinar Recordings (available through December 31, 2020)
- Just Announced Participation as a 2020 Certification Committee Member (Now 20 hours)– those that participated in a 2020 BCCI Certification Committee as a member of the committee may now claim up to 20 hours of Continuing Education as a committee member in recognition of the significant work and dedication that it took to conduct over 260 committee interviews. The APC Board of Directors have approved this exception for the 2020 C.E. year only, pending further recommendation from the Commission on Certification.
- Annual Ethics Accountability Statement: Certified members of APC are required to sign and submit their annual ethics accountability statement as a requisite to continue with your certification. You can submit your ethics accountability statement HERE.
If you have questions about certification or interviews, please email