With commitment to interfaith ministry and the professional practice of chaplaincy care, the Association of Professional Chaplains serves chaplains in all types of health and human service settings. Our more than 5,000 member chaplains and affiliates are involved in chaplaincy care of all persons, respecting their diverse cultures, identities, abilities and beliefs. As a national, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) professional association, APC advocates for quality chaplaincy care of all persons in health care facilities, correctional institutions, long-term care units, rehabilitation centers, hospice, the military and other specialized settings.
APC Annual Report (PDF)
APC Admin Brochure (PDF)
To fulfill our mission to promote quality chaplaincy care through advocacy, education, professional standards and service to our members, APC demonstrates commitment to the following:

Chaplaincy Care
Promote the chaplaincy care of persons as an essential dimension of total care and services provided by public and private institutions and organizations.
Common Qualifications and Competencies
Cultivate a high standard of excellence in chaplaincy care by establishing common qualifications and competencies for professional chaplains; and by encouraging the continuing education and support of chaplains providing chaplaincy care in specialized settings.
Public Advocacy
Serve as an interfaith and professional voice advocating spiritual values on behalf of the chaplaincy community in international, national, state and local health and human welfare programs and services.
Promote the professional collegiality of chaplains by providing support services, publications, communications, consultations, peer review and continuing education.
Develop and nurture relationships with other professional disciplines and associations, spiritual/faith groups and public agencies toward the promotion of professional chaplaincy.