An “equivalency” indicates a form of education or training that varies from the usual route but complies with national standards established by APC. It enables an individual to qualify for board certified chaplain, provisional certified chaplain or associate certified chaplain status through BCCI. Standards regarding theological education, clinical pastoral education training, and/or work experience as a chaplain, are very specific. Competence in these areas is required.
Note: Your equivalency materials must be reviewed and approved before your application is considered complete and your interview can be scheduled.
Please remember that our equivalency reviewers serve as volunteers. Please allow 180 days for review time, depending on the complexity of submitted equivalency materials.
- Transcript review Form (Word doc)
Use this form to have a review of transcripts if you are unsure they meet the qualifications for certification. - Graduate Education Equivalency Application (Word doc)
Use this document to guide you through the steps for acquiring an equivalency for graduate education. This form must be submitted with your equivalency materials. - Resource: Professional Competency Courses
Note: BCCI does not offer a Masters in Divinity (MDiv) equivalency, we offer equivalencies for graduate credit hours required for BCCI certification. If you do not have an MDiv but do have post graduate credits from an approved accredited institution in the required areas, an equivalency may not be necessary; you may apply for an equivalency for graduate hours towards the BCCI graduate education requirements if the school attended is not accredited, education was earned in a non-traditional setting, or the equivalency is needed to provide additional credits to the credits received from a graduate degree.
- CPE Equivalency Instructions (Word doc)
Use this document to guide you through the steps for acquiring an equivalency for clinical pastoral education (CPE).
Work Experience
- Candidates that are using extra CPE units toward fulfilling their work experience requirement only need to submit an ACPE Verification Transcript to document their extra units.
- Candidates that are submitting volunteer hours must submit a letter documenting their volunteer hours from the person supervising them as a volunteer.
- Equivalency Issues for Buddhist Candidates for Board Certification through the Board of Chaplaincy Certification, Inc., A White Paper
- An informational video about equivalency is below.
If you have any questions regarding the certification process, please contact the national office at 847.240.1014 or bcci@apchaplains.org.